- Free to set up time, value, given time, time for warning sound, and coin and memory mode.
- AC 1250W DC 500Watt electrical relay capacity.
- Controls electrical devices ( TV, Massage chair..) power.
Connection and Position :
Time Setting
If the function of GIVEN TIME is not needed, please skip step 4-step 6 by press button S4.
- Please press button “S4”, and then please use button “S1” and button “S2” to set up VALUE.
- Please press button “S4”, and then use button “S1” and “S2” to set up TIME for FIRST 2 NUMBER (00:–)
- Please press button “S4”, and then use button “S1” and “S2” to set up TIME for LAST 2 NUMBER (–:00)
- Please press button “S4”, and then use button “S1” and “S2” to set up VALUE OF GIVEN TIME.
- Please press button “S4”. Use button “S1” and “S2” to set up GIVEN TIME for FIRST 2 NUMBER (00:–)
- Please press button “S4”. Use button “S1” and “S2” to set up GIVEN TIME for LAST 2 NUMBER. (–:00)
- Please press button “S4”. Use button “S1” and “S2” to set up TIME for WARNING SOUND
Default is 30 seconds.
Mode Setting
- Please hold on button “S1” and “S2” to get into MODE SETTING.
- Please use button “S1” and button “S2” to set up CODE for FIRST MODE.
- Please press button “S4” after setting.
- Please repeat step 2 and step 3 for setting rest mode.
Code Introduction
Operating Mode
01:01:Time counts down without pressing button
01:02:Time counts down by pressing button
03:05:Continue counting time after power off and on
03:06:Reset time and value after power off and on
04:??:1-30 minutes are adjustable.
Description: Time and value will be reset automatically if user does not choose any function after the
user inserts coins.
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